Saturday, July 01, 2006
Prayer Points for August~
Pray for us please!!!
Prayer Points:
Maple & Manik:
- Pray for energy level and health.
Manik~Tuesdays’ and Thursdays’ classes start as early as 8.10am. The bus leaves at 6.40am and it takes 1 hour to get to Singapore Bible College.
Manik&Maple~Eating out at least 3 times a week might lead to unhealthy diet. Please pray. - Pray for time management.
Manik~Balance study and leisure (time to spend with wife, friends, other family members).
Maple~ Time to teach tuition, time to be alone, time to be with friends, doing housework, cooking, reading, etc. - Pray for finance to buy books.
Studying at the Bible College leads to buy loads of textbooks, please pray that Manik can select rightly.