Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Easter Party

A photo of the wives.

Hand painted gift by Cinu.

A photo of the husbands.

Korean boy attracted by the painting.

How's your Easter ?

Manik and I had a great time with some new friend this Easter. We were invited to a farewell party for a New Zealand couple who has been missionaries in Singapore for almost 10 years. Elizabeth has been leading international wives' Bible study at Singapore Bible College and the husband is a lecturer there. They retiring back to NZ, therefore we had a party for them.

The party was held at Josh and Cinu's house, even though they didn't know most of the guests! There were 22 of us including children (mainly boys!!!The oldest was only 6!) It was really nice to meet some of them for the first time. There were 8 nations represented. Nepal, Korean, India, Singapore (of course it's Manik), Taiwan (that's if you see Taiwan as a country ;p ), China, U.S.A and NZ.

We had some delicious food prepare by different wives, sang some songs (while the children running around), and present the wonderful, artistic painting which was created Cinu.

This sure reminded Manik and me the countless international nights we had in England!

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